Are RAMS accounts covered under the guarantee?
Are there any fees on a RAMS Action account?
Can I access my accounts using my mobile phone?
Can I access my personal or account information if I'm a joint account holder?
Can I apply for a higher daily transfer limit?
Can I cancel a payment or transfer?
Can I credit my salary to my RAMS Action?
Can I deposit cash?
Can I deposit cheques?
Can I deposit money at a branch?
Can I give someone else authority to operate on my account?
Can I make transfers to and from my account when I'm overseas?
Can I modify a payment or transfer?
Can I open a joint account?
Do both joint account holders need to give permission to take money out?
Can I open a RAMS Action account in a company name, trust name or in the name of a self managed super fund?
Can I open a RAMS Action account if I am not an Australian resident?
Can I open a RAMS Action account if I’m not an existing RAMS Home Loan customer?
Can I open an account over the phone?
Can I opt-in to receive paper statements instead of e-statements?
Can I request RAMS to direct debit funds from my account with another financial institution?
Can I send money from an overseas bank account into my RAMS Action account?
Can I set up a regular payment?
Can I set up an Automatic Savings Plan (ASP?)
Can I transfer money overseas?
Can I use BPAY®?
Can I use myRAMS to make payments or transfers to accounts at other banks?
Can I view my statements online?
Do I have access to a cheque book?
Do I need to provide my Tax File Number (TFN)?
Do I need to set up a linked account?
How can I contact you from overseas?
How can I deposit money into my RAMS Action account?
How can I report my debit card lost, stolen or damaged?
How can I report my debit card PIN has been lost or compromised?
How do I apply for a RAMS Action account?
How do I change my postal and/or residential address?
How do I change my mobile phone number?
How do I change the name on my account?
How do I close my RAMS Action account?
How do I dispute a transaction on my account?
How do I name my accounts?
How do I provide/update my TFN?
How do I view my account balances?
How do I withdraw money from my RAMS Action account?
I have multiple deposit accounts across RAMS and Westpac. How does the limit work?
How is credit interest calculated and paid on a RAMS Action account?
How is debit interest calculated and charged on a RAMS Action account?
How is the FCS limit applied?
How long will it take my cheque to clear?
How many days does it take for a payment or transfer to reach another bank?
How many RAMS Action accounts can I open?
How will I know if the interest rate on my RAMS Action account changes?
Is it safe to use myRAMS?
My loved one has recently passed away. What do I do now?
What are the minimum and maximum amounts I can transfer from my RAMS Action account?
What are the RAMS Customer Service Centre’s hours of operation?
What details do I need to make a payment or transfer to another person’s (or business) account?
What information do I need to open a RAMS Action account?
What information will I get when I open my account?
What is the minimum and maximum amount I can deposit into a RAMS Action account?
What is the Financial Claims Scheme?
Where can I get further information on the FCS?
What is the interest rate for RAMS Action account?
When are statements issued for my RAMS Action account?
When don’t I need to provide a Tax File Number?
When is the myRAMS website available?
Where can I find my new account number?
Where can I view the RAMS Action account Terms and Conditions?
Who can open a RAMS Action account?
Who is responsible for administering the Financial Claims Scheme?
Will the interest rate on my RAMS Action account change?