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Save a trip to your Home Loan Centre by verifying your identity with your smartphone camera. It’s fast, secure and simple. 

Verify-Ewe - the benefits


Quick and easy on-screen and audio prompts help you complete the process in minutes

Facial identification

Takes a picture of your photo ID (front and back image, if applicable) using your smartphone camera, then matches your face to the photo using digital verification.

Secure and private

RAMS Verify-Ewe uses a protected browser to authenticate you, while respecting your privacy.

Why we need to verify your identity

RAMS Verify-Ewe ensures we’re able to:

  • Protect your identity and keep you safe 
  • Minimise the risk of fraud and financial crime
  • Help us and your lender comply with the law

What you'll need

  • Valid ID document
  • A smartphone with a camera and access to the Internet
  • A quiet, well-lit place

How it works 

  • You'll get a SMS linking you to RAMS Verify-Ewe Digital ID process
  • Have your eligible ID document ready
  • Click the link in your SMS, and follow the prompts which will open on your mobile browser
  • We'll follow up with you on the next steps


What is ‘facial recognition’?

It uses biometrics to match your face to the ID that’s been provided. Biometrics are measurements of your physical features which are unique to you. These measurements can be used to confirm that you’re the same person in the photo ID you’ve provided.

In this case, RAMS Verify-Ewe analyses the photo on your ID and compares it to your face, which is captured using your smartphone camera.

Is it secure?

RAMS Verify-Ewe is a secure process. The biometric technology we use confirms that you’re a real person and helps us identify that you are who you say you are. Also, we work 24/7 to keep your details secure. You can learn more about how we safeguard your data and protect our customers here.

Can someone else authenticate me using RAMS Verify-Ewe?

No one else can use RAMS Verify-Ewe on your behalf. We’ll ask you to complete various prompts, so someone can’t just imitate your face.

What if the technology doesn’t match my ID with my face?

We’ll follow up with you on the next steps. For example, if there’s a problem with matching your face with your ID, you might be asked to drop into your nearest RAMS Home Loan Centre or arrange to meet your friendly RAMS Home Loan Specialist.

What are you going to do with the scan of my face?

We only use the biometrics tech to check whether you’re the same person pictured in your photo ID. Once completed, we’ll keep a copy of your information for our records, and treat it with confidentiality. You can read more about how RAMS handles your personal info, including how to contact us, access or correct your personal info in our privacy policy.

Verify your ID online

Use your smartphone camera to confirm your identity.  Please resume Verify-Ewe session on your device.


More information:

Before using Internet and Phone Banking, please read the RAMS Terms and Conditions.

On this page, 'we' means RAMS, your franchisee and your lender.