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Home office ideas

Now that we’re all spending a lot more time working from home, it’s a great time to put some real consideration into your home office.

Home office ideas

21 June 2022

An expert-approved guide to creating a magical and modern home office at your place.

Now that we’re all spending a lot more time working from home, it’s a great time to put some real consideration into your home office.

When it comes to creating a modern home office, it’s a good idea to first compile a checklist of what you need your space to do for you. Ask yourself the relevant questions to help you narrow down your needs. Then you can get to work creating your home office layout.

Here to pass on her wisdom and help you avoid a design disaster is Eclectic Creative’s interior designer and stylist, Jessica Viscarde.

Small space ideas

Not everyone has space to spare in their home offices, but don’t let that put you off! There are still plenty of ways to get the most from a small office.

1.     Use the awkward nooks to your advantage

“I always look at and consider all the useable space in a home area – even the awkward little nooks,” says Jessica.

“More often than not, these areas are tucked next to a kitchen or an awkward void at the entrance of the house, which serves no purpose otherwise.”

2. Use vertical space for storage

Jessica suggests looking up and utilising the vertical space above these nooks. “Include shelves if it makes sense, a floating timber table or a purpose-built desk with storage solutions.

3. Create custom storage systems

You can create a very useable space using inexpensive furniture systems from big brands such as Kmart and IKEA – just mix it up and don’t be afraid of asking for help from the experts who work in the store.

"I often advise going custom with a home office – it gives purpose to the space, function and, more importantly, it looks as if it’s meant to be there.”

Picture: Unsplash

Layout ideas

With so many sources of inspiration available (we’re talking Instagram, Pinterest and home improvement TV), we can sometimes get lost in creating a beautiful aesthetic, rather than a functional home office set up. Here’s how to stay on track. 

1.     Write a list of what you need to get out of the space

Jessica’s advice? “Write down a list of tasks you would like to conduct from your home office. This should help guide you in the right direction for choosing specific items to aid concentration and focus.”

2.     Use pinboards, notepads and inspirational images

Pinboards on the wall, a handy notepad and inspirational images scattered around an office space all help to remain productive, suggests Jessica.

3.     Remember, good lighting is key

“A good light source is also a must, and any unnecessary clutter should be stored away to avoid distraction!”

Picture: Unsplash

Furniture ideas

A home office is, above all, a functional area. So your choice in furniture needs to be well considered.

1.     Select a desk

First things first: You’ll need a desk that suits the kind of work you do. Are you a digital nomad who hasn’t seen a piece of physical paper in years, or will you need plenty of flat space to lay out your notes?

Do you need a larger desk or are you fine with just a laptop stand? Does it need to be adjustable in height so you can choose to sit or stand?

The type of work you do will largely determine the size of your home office desk, but whatever you choose, try and look for one with plenty of out-of-sight storage. As Jessica says, “there’s nothing more distracting than unnecessary clutter!”

2.     Pick the right chair

Next thing is finding the perfect chair to go with the desk. If you like to switch between sitting and standing then look into a leaning stool, which can help your core stay active throughout your working day.

Or you can go for an ergonomic office chair that’ll allow you to be within reach of everything you need. Or maybe a comfy armchair’s more your style?

“I prefer a home office to carry the same common thread as the other spaces in your home,” explains Jessica.

“For instance, instead of using a stock standard (and in my opinion, ugly) four-wheel office chair, choose a beautiful and comfortable occasional chair in a textured fabric or colour that blends seamlessly with the rest of your abode.”

Picture: Unsplash

Decor ideas

So, you’ve got a desk and a chair. But what about the personal, finishing touches that will really let you get to work with style?

1.     Greenery is a must

For both air quality and aesthetics, Jessica advises that you “inject some greenery on your desk or shelf by the way of an indoor plant or freshly cut flowers. And don’t forget an inspiring piece of artwork!”

2.     Light is a key consideration

If your space is lacking a good source of natural light, invest in a quality desk lamp or standing light to help make your office practical and enjoyable to be in. 

3.     Storage ideas that don’t hurt your eyes

Storage of books and paperwork isn’t just about practicality – make sure you like the style of storage you’re investing in.

Natural textures like cane baskets and timber desks mean the space will be more relaxing and enjoyable to be in. 

This article was originally published on as ‘Home office ideas’.  Where RAMS have made amendments to this article, this has been done with permission.

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