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Kyal and Kara: Ep 2 - It's go time

12 April 2016

We now have council approval and its go time! After a week on the shovel, foundations are laid and the scaffold is erected.


Quiet on set please.

So the first thing that we're going to do now that we've got our plans stamped and approved, is the set out for the garage and the set out for the studio out the back.

So we've literally been digging for a week.  The most unglamorous side of renovating, but it's really good to see the footprint of the studio and the garage.

It looks like there's land mines all over our block.  People probably thinking what are they doing.  So it feels good to finally get into the backyard and set out the studio.  So we started digging some footings and we've set up all the profile, so yeah, it's going good.  

We have got this big macadamia tree that separates the two houses. So once we build the deck there and landscape a little bit, I think it's going to be really a nice area to hang out.

We filled all the pad footings out the back with concrete so they're all sweet and then we started to cut out the old driveway from the front of the house.  Well we've got my little brother onto that.  So we've cut the old driveway out, we've formed up for the new slab.  That's been inspected. And we fought and it looks awesome.

We're super excited today because our house officially becomes a building site.  We've got the scaffold rocking up, so that's all happening right now.

Council is here moving our services.  Delivery of trusses is just here, and we're still waiting for the floor frame for the granny flat to come as well.  So it's all happening.  We're pumped.

The day council that came to move the water meters out the front was a really hectic day.  We had so many deliveries coming that day as well.  And to make things worse, we couldn't find the water mains out the front.  So it meant that we had to dig up half the street to find where they are.

We are putting in a second service for the granny flat and now that the water has been not where it is on plan, they've got to go find on the other side of the street, or under the street, to bring it in.  It's basically council saying it's going to cost me more money, but the joys of building.

The day that that all happened, it was pretty buzzing.  There was just guys everywhere, so it was it was hectic, but it was good fun.  

So it's our first big day and we got the scaffold going up, but now as you can see, it's bucketing down.  So it's just putting a little bit of a dampener on things.  The boys can't keep going if the weather keeps up like this.  So hopefully it doesn't last long and we can keep going, but it's not ideal.

There's so much happening outside, but I'm really keen to press forward because at the end of the day I want to move upstairs and I want to get the house liveable.  

So we're living downstairs and we've got the worst bathroom ever, so I'm so keen to just have work pressing on inside so we can get this beautiful master bathroom finished.  It used to be a small toilet and then a separate bathroom and what we've done is deleted the wall between the two to create one large room.  And then we've taken a little bit of space for a linen cupboard in the hallway which was, it used to be quite a bare hallway.  Now because these are two separate rooms, there's obviously two windows, so we've had to support the roof load in preparation for the one new window that's going to go in the bathroom with shutters and all that sort of stuff.  So it'll be a nice feature over the bath - big window.    

So now just got to work that out.  We're just gonna put the bath in place, measure up and find out exactly where we want to locate the window.  Karate chop. 

I've gone into Beaumonts and I've picked all my tiles, so I'm really happy with that. Some beautiful colors going on and I think it's going to be really nice feature upstairs. 

So I've got all our bathroom products here ready for the plumber to rough in early next week and I've just chosen all my tiles from Beaumonts and I think it's going to look really great together.  So I've picked a vintage treatment tile the floor and what I love about this is it's got that subtle vintage pattern through it, but it's not too overpowering, so that I can add other dimensions and textures on top of that.  

Now that Kara has given me the plans and the go-ahead, I can get the boys in there and we can start building the bulkhead, doing the niche and framing up that window, which is going to sit directly over the bath. 

We've got the scaff going up outside as we speak which is so exciting because stuff can finally start getting done on that top level.  

It's going to be a massive week.  The existing roof comes off, the floor frames for the studio come.  We're going to really start to see this project take shape and we can't wait to see transformation.

We couldn't find the water main means means boot.  It's Matt surfing Matt.

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